106-C Raja Dinendra Street, Kolkata – 700004, India
+91 98310 09675 , +91 84201 44822
It has been a glorious march since 1949 March, when a technocrat Mr. S.C. Dey started manufacturing testing instrument in the back lane of north Calcutta. Looking back one can draw satisfaction from gradual and steady progress to arrive at todays level. From ordinary laboratory testing instrument & spares, the company switched over to manufacturing of sophisticated testing instruments intended for Material & Petroleum Testing in the year 1958. In the same year it got registered with the Government Authority.
Continuous development endeavor and urge for new products led to the manufacture & introduction of testing equipment for Coal / Coke, Soil, Cement etc. in 70's followed by special instrument for testing of Rubber, Plastic, Leather & Packing materials. Present product range consists of more than 300 types of testing equipment, unmatched by any manufacturer in India. Special emphasis on Quality and fair business practice have great impact on Government Department, Industrial Labs, Educational institution etc. as well as all users of quality instruments.